Naomi Choi

After 20+ years of forging a career as a university professor, teaching and researching Western political philosophy in search of answers to intractable questions about why things are the way they are, I became thoroughly dissatisfied with the stale academic pursuit.  It was not until I experienced parenthood and began to engage yoga and the arts more fully that the constant feeling of disappointment and ‘not-enough-ism’, which had permeated my cramped worldview, started to ease and dissipate.   In contrast to the academic process of advancing my perspectives against others in defense of my own reputation, the study of yoga has not only opened my eyes to new genres and literatures but the practice has led me to look inward instead.  Yoga teaches me to look within to find peace, and to accept and embrace who I am. 

I teach yoga for the stubborn questioner who desires to settle the mind.  I offer vinyasa flow classes that begin and end with targeted stretches to ease us in and out of a progressive series of heat-generating flow.  I also offer yin classes where we hold poses long enough to bring healthy pressure to our joints, organs, and connective tissues, to practice slowing down and tuning in to the present moment.  Regardless of the pace of class, when we focus on asana postures we not only cultivate greater mobility in our bodies, but flexibility in our thinking, in our approaches to problem solving, and indeed for life when we step off the mat. Through mindful movement linked with the breath I strive to provide students with an opportunity to take a pause from the usual doing and planning in our day, to reset and get in tune with the breath, and find the courage to let go of what no longer serves us.  I emphasize sound postural alignment, modifications that make poses suitable for any body, and musical playlists to enhance the class experience.

When I am not practicing yoga or spending time with my family, you can find me making pottery and hand-built ceramics at studios around town, and @asana.ceramics.