Joyce Yost Ulrich

Jo has been teaching Pilates and furthering her own exploration and education about the human body since 1998. She is a practitioner of Yamuna® Body Rolling, a myofascial release technique practiced with a series of small balls, and has used YBR® to complement her Pilates work since 2001.

Jo introduced Yamuna® Body Rolling to Houston in 2001 and it is now an integral part of the Houston Ballet Academy and Company’s Wellness Program. She also brought the Rossiter® Stretch Technique to the Houston area, and has trained more than twenty Rossiter Coaches under the guidance of Richard Rossiter, founder and creator of this pain relief technique.

Her life is an ongoing lesson to which she is a willing participant: Her current interests include: chickens, fostering homeless animals, permaculture, textiles, literature, food, and friends. And there’s more learning and sharing to do...and she can’t wait!